Monday, October 5, 2009


It's been a rough few months being bopped around by the "day job", having one thing after another happen with car, cat, work-related issues and even breaking a tooth...I could go on. In truth, I am doing A-OK despite the obstacles. I am always aware it sure could be worse and has been thus so.

My father had it pretty rough raising us kids on his own but what a great man who would say over and over to me, "this too shall pass" during the rough times. He was oh so right about that. It has become my mantra. That and "pick and choose your battles" but that is a whole other topic.

Today someone sent me a link to this short film titled The Butterfly Circus. It came at just the right time in my life. Not that I have lost hope just yet but I have wavered that way on occasion only to force myself to buck up and be a big girl and believe that "this too shall pass."

As these minor setbacks "pass", I have to move forward. Now more than ever. This is a time of great change, great opportunity and great risk as I step outside my comfort zone for the first time in over a decade. Life has been a certain way for so long for me that accepting change and flat out changing with the HOPE and FAITH that everything will work out for the best is a challenge for someone like myself who is very set in her ways.

This film gave me hope for a better tomorrow:

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