Monday, March 10, 2008

Oprah Oprah Oprah....

So, last night I could not sleep so I turn on the tube and Oprah is on....she seems to be on every time I can't sleep. She has never been a destination show for me but somehow I see her a lot these days since I have not found the wherewithall to fix my cable, etc. Anyway, it was a great episode with Dr. Oz on American's eating habits and how if we change them a particular way it will help. They get specific with examples of a high calcium diet, omega 3 diet, etc. All helping with different things where our body is concerned. I ate it up. For the first time ever, I log onto her website hoping to find out a lil' more about this since I am at a crossroads in my life full of great change and physical change is one of those things I am ready for and truly committed to to feel better and have more energy and yes, maybe drop a few.

I know this post is starting out sounding like it is about diet but here is where I am going...I hit this random link on her site by accident and up comes this quote...I love a good quote that comes along at the right time...kind of like a good fortune out of cookie from your latest Chinese take-out. The bad ones ya throw away, the good ones can change your life if only for a few minutes.

This one seemed particularly appropriate right now for me:

"If you have the courage to take the risks to say, 'I'm going to reinvent this part of my life,' you can be very, very happy."

— Susan Molinari

I am at a risk taking phase of my life. I've done it before but not in almost a decade it feels like. I did not realize how hard it could be. In my head it seemed so easy. CHANGE IS GOOD but change is hard. I feel like I need to pull a Madonna and do a complete overhaul of ME...physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

I feel that by posting it here, I am making a commitment to myself that I will be working hard to realign myself in this universe that we live in. Even creatively I intend to spread my wings and have begun to do so but if you knew what projects were in my head but not coming to fruition, ya'd smack me.

At this juncture the risk taking has been minimal but with the re-introduction of some old friends into my life as of late who are helping me remember who I was before I fell into my rut are introducing me to the new me that is a bit of that young girl mixing in with the new smart old lady I have become or should I say becoming and it feels good.

I was telling a good friend how I found myself laughing out loud yesterday at work of all places almost all day long so much so that those that I work with commented on how they loved my laugh and what fun we were all who has fun at work? We ALL should, my friends.

So, if it ain't fun, I ain't doing it. Let me amend that since I do need to clean the toilets on occasion here....if it ain't fun, make it fun!

Feelin' just rosy today....

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