Monday, March 3, 2008


Many moons ago my grandmother had these great chairs that cost a fortune that she was intent on NOONE sitting on so much so, she left the "plastic" on the chairs. Well, my cousin Brad, just a toddler at the time, knocked Rheba (my grandmother) with a very common-sense question when he was instructed in a kindly manner to NOT sit upon one of these precious chairs, "What it for?" Good point! We have all laughed about this through the years because let's face it.....Brad, the toddler was full of more common sense that my own grandmother who clearly wanted us to just "LOOK" at her upholstered furniture....heee....

Sadly, I get where she was coming from as I protect my new couch from my CRAZY cat who never gave a hoot for our old couch but this new one I got is SPECIAL and worth ripping up with one's kitty claws....I cover it now since I DID pay for this dern thing with my hard earned sheckles.

See my sweet cat sitting amongst the "other" covered-in-plastic stools as I am certain he would tear them up as he has attempted to do so on the couch....I leave only the one uncovered for now....WELL, WHAT IT FOR?

1 comment:

Robin said...

truer words were never blogged!