Monday, January 14, 2008

FreeCycle ROCKS!!!

So, today I got my first experience with how "FreeCycle" works. It was "almost" fun. I say "almost" because some folk send you an e-mail telling you to forget everyone else cuz they are a "sure thing" but then they have to go to a sudden doctor's appt., yet oddly the girl who came through and picked up my sofa (to make room for a new one) was at a physical therapy appt. when I e-mailed her and promised her the couch but gave her a time limit of later tonight.....she showed up with friends and her wrist wrapped in bandages.....but showed which gives me this fine wonderful empty space to put my new couch and chair that I ordered many months ago.

These girls really seemed thrilled to get my old couch but what a wonderful thing....FreeCycle...UPCYCLE.....someone gets use out of something that truly has more use. Salvation Army was even being picky saying if it had any stains they might refuse it...this couch was in fantastic covers.....but on one of the arms I had to clean a natural stain and since it was a brushed cotton , it made the material lighter where I cleaned. Salvation Army was going to turn it down because they might not be able to "sell" it but this way, it goes into some other home full of aspiring actors who will stain the thing anyway....I KNOW....I was one...but I paid 900.00 for the thing but these girls got it free so they won't worry about the stains as much....

Say poor Pampas Pier 1 couch....gone forever....on to a new home full of creative people!

Check FreeCycle out at :

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