Monday, January 21, 2008


It is a time of new beginnings and change for me. Change is something I do my best to resist but always always always feel so much better once I am on the other side of it and wonder why I resisted to begin with.

Change is a "GOOD THING" as Martha might say.

I learned that my cat is much the same as I, so I know I am not alone on this adventure of changing my life and surroundings completely. Resistant though I am, I am chipping away at this major task each day. There is still much work ahead of me as I put beads with beads, leather with leather, dye with get my drift.

For now I have accomplished a new living area that still needs artwork and some things eliminated but it is beginning to come together. This was the first transformation that occurred and the cat when bonkers! I am including a video of him fighting it all and photos of him giving in and falling in love with his new furniture and fancy mod wool rug.

1 comment:

Robin said...

funny kitty! Makes me miss Simba & Reggie!