Monday, October 22, 2007

I am dyeing again!!!!!!!! I am getting prepared for the Craftmas Bizarre 3, the coolest craft show in Los Angeles which will be on December 9th, 2007, 9am - 7pm at THE FAKE GALLERY here in Los Angeles:

Come one!!!! Come all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anywhoo...had to start makin' some stuff for you guys to buy and I am dyeing!!!!!!!!!!! Literally! Purple, pink, yellow and name the color, I plan to dye fabric that color! What I like to do is cut a certain amount of fabric from all of my undyed white fabrics that are cotton, silk, velvet, velveteen...whatever I have on hand and take advantage of my dye bath that I make that day until no dye is my grandmother OFTEN said, "waste not want not". I alter the color of the original bath several times throughout the day of dyeing. Today started out with a mix of turquoise and sapphire blue and I dyed only 2 small pieces in that color.....(came out a really light pretty robin's egg blue in my opinion) I decided to spice things up a bit....

I got courageous and added raspberry and a tiny bit of bubblegum to this mix of turquoise and sapphire blue. Here is what happened...I love the way diff't types of fabric absorb different particles of dye:

You will see light purple, dark purple and even blue. It's like magic to me. These fabrics will end up being cards, covers of journals and even endpapers...well, "endfabrics"....if you know how I make a book, fabric is a big part from beginning to end. Literally.

Well, best quit blogging and start crafting.

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