Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Tagged, and loving it! RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been tagged by Suzi Finer of!

1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself (on your blog, we all want to know them).
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1) I love my father. I just love him.
2) I LOVE silly 70's music....esp. the Partridge Family..."C'mon Get Happy"!

Then came Shaun Cassidy 1977:

in the late 70's and as an old lady in the 2000's actress here in LA auditioned for a part for something he was producing, "THE AGENCY" and I shook like a leaf on a tree during the Santa Ana's. He already had a bit of a pot gut and plenty of grey hair but I felt like a sily young girl again drooling over her teen idol. Needless to say, I did NOT get the part. But I was ONLY inches away from my teen dream for a moment having a face to face conversation about college and the like...he asked lots of questions since his son was considering going to college in Texas...I wonder if he ever many gals can say that?

3) I am severely in love with my cat but not in a crazy "cat lady" way...but in the way that makes my proud
of how dern smart a beast can be. He gets it from me.... He makes me laugh, too. I named him Bill after Texan comedian Bill Hicks.

4) I love to hand bind books but is that a random weird fact? Not to most who know me...but those who don't go, "that's cool" and then ask for a book.

5)I love the movie "SAY ANYTHING" and think John Cusack is pretty sexy on occasion.

6) I'm a procrastinator and a Virgo and the 2 are like oil and water.

7) My fave cool fact is the fact that my grandmother...MY GRANDMOTHER...the one who raised me, dated...well, had as an escort briefly....Clyde Barrow of "Bonnie & Clyde" fame. She said he was quite a gentleman and that "Bonnie turned him bad." I have heard several incarnations of this story since her death but she really did know him and really did burn pics of him as she was worried about what folks might think as it was a pretty big deal when he went really bad! Let's just say he was at the "hubcab stealing" portion of his bad days when he knew my grandmother...well, according to my father. It's all starts with hubcap stealing and heck know's where that might lead....

Now for the ones I choose to tag:I don't even know that many bloggers so, Suzi....since you tagged me, I might have to tag some of your friends.....egad!,

I am sorry that I am failing at the taggin' game as I am a baby blogger sorry if you got tagged and are hatin' it.

1 comment:

suzi finer said...

here...a comment for you. I love David Cassidy! card carrying member of the fan club cc 1973